Why is glass transparent?
If all things consist of molecules, why is it that some materials are transparent while others aren’t? Why is glass transparent? Continue reading Why is glass transparent?
If all things consist of molecules, why is it that some materials are transparent while others aren’t? Why is glass transparent? Continue reading Why is glass transparent?
Even physics tells us that smoking is bad. We briefly discuss what radioactivity is, what ionising radiation is, and how radioactive lungs become. Continue reading A radioactive smoking gun
We discuss what electromagnetic radiation is and why ionising radiation is dangerous. We discuss how a microwave oven heats up food, and vitamins too. Continue reading Is microwave oven radiation unhealthy?
Albert Einstein didn’t win the Nobel Prize with his famous formula from the special theory of relativity. What formula did he win the Prize with then? Continue reading The formula that got Albert Einstein the Nobel Prize and should stop us getting sunburn all the time